Alternative Health | Scarborough, near Portland ME | Holistic healthcare | Family Health & Wellness

Oasis Wellness Partners Blog

Expertly treating the community in the Scarborough, ME area

Ask the Chiropractor: How Do People Get Subluxations?

Ask the Chiropractor: How Do People Get Subluxations?

September 21, 2020 / In our 30 years of practice, we have treated subluxations caused by many different issues. But the first question we need to answer before we...


Ask the Chiropractor: Can I Give Myself Adjustments?

Ask the Chiropractor: Can I Give Myself Adjustments?

September 13, 2020 / Many people “crack” their own necks; sometimes for relaxation, sometimes just because they can. This is called “self manipulation,” the “self adjustment,” the “self mobilization...


Ask the Chiropractor: What is the Best Sleep Position to Avoid Back Pain?

Ask the Chiropractor: What is the Best Sleep Position to Avoid Back Pain?

August 30, 2020 / Sleep. How so many of us long to get the perfect amount of sleep, but most people don’t get nearly enough of it. According to...


Working from Home? Do These Exercises

Working from Home? Do These Exercises

August 24, 2020 / With so many of us working from home, our bodies can pay the price. While an office can be designed to promote better posture with...


Staying Pain-Free While Working from Home

Staying Pain-Free While Working from Home

August 16, 2020 / As millions of people across America have transitioned from working in an office to working from home, there has been an increase in our patients...


Top 9 Reasons to Start Seeing a Chiropractor

Top 9 Reasons to Start Seeing a Chiropractor

August 10, 2020 / Many people begin seeing a Chiropractor as a last ditch effort to deal with terrible pain. However, there are many reasons to see a Chiropractor...


Ask the Chiropractor: Can Chiropractic Help with My Sciatica?

Ask the Chiropractor: Can Chiropractic Help with My Sciatica?

July 27, 2020 / Have you ever had a sharp, shooting pain travel down the back of your leg? How about a dull, persistent ache, tingling and numbness? If...


Celebrating Men’s Health: 8 Ways to Improve Health and Wellness through Chiropractic

Celebrating Men’s Health: 8 Ways to Improve Health and Wellness through Chiropractic

July 22, 2020 / June is Men’s Health Month, and with Father’s Day just behind us, it’s important for men to consider their health. Chiropractic care can do more...


Eat Your Water!

Eat Your Water!

July 20, 2020 / Having a Healthy Summer Means Eating Your Water! We don’t know about you, but we have been feeling very thirsty this summer! Between power walking,...


Ask the Chiropractor: I heard that you use Bio-Geometric Integration? What is it and how does it benefit me?

Ask the Chiropractor: I heard that you use Bio-Geometric Integration? What is it and how does it benefit me?

July 6, 2020 / Yes, as a matter of fact, at Chiropractic Family Wellness Center we do use a method called Bio-Geometric Integration. But before explaining Bio-Geometric Integration, it...


The Power of Network Chiropractic

The Power of Network Chiropractic

July 6, 2020 / For a lot of people, going to the chiropractor is about getting re-aligned, sometimes by force. Getting one’s “back cracked”, some say, jokingly. But there...


Staying Healthy with Water: 10 Signs You Might Be Dehydrated

Staying Healthy with Water: 10 Signs You Might Be Dehydrated

June 29, 2020 / How much water are you really drinking each day? We are told to drink 8 glasses of 8 oz of water a day. That’s 64...


How to Stay Healthy During Difficult Times

How to Stay Healthy During Difficult Times

June 15, 2020 / Well, here we are, more than three months into a pandemic, and many people are still floundering in the chaos, not clear of what’s to...


Keeping Your Adjustment Appointments: 10 Reasons Why

Keeping Your Adjustment Appointments: 10 Reasons Why

June 8, 2020 / In our nearly 29 years of chiropractic practice, we have seen all kinds of people for all kinds of things: insomnia, back pain, headaches, you...


Initial Care and Wellness Care—What’s the Difference?

Initial Care and Wellness Care—What’s the Difference?

June 2, 2020 / We at Chiropractic Family Wellness Center have been in practice in Scarborough, Maine for 29 years, and we have been asked over and over—what is...


The Healing Benefits of Combining Massage and Chiropractic Care

The Healing Benefits of Combining Massage and Chiropractic Care

May 20, 2020 / We get asked a lot if massage can help with the healing process of chiropractic. The answer is: Absolutely! Massage, like chiropractic, is based on...