Alternative Health | Scarborough, near Portland ME | Holistic healthcare | Family Health & Wellness

Oasis Wellness Partners Blog

Expertly treating the community in the Scarborough, ME area

Ask the Chiropractor: How Should I Walk on Ice and Snow to Ensure Safety and Wellness?

Ask the Chiropractor: How Should I Walk on Ice and Snow to Ensure Safety and Wellness?

June 28, 2022 / Ahhh, winter in Maine. The season of ice skating, sledding, snowshoeing—and the cold and flu! Do you wonder how you could protect yourself and your...


What is EFT?

What is EFT?

June 28, 2021 / Often when people come in for therapy, many of their issues are rooted in past negative events or traumas. We all experience traumas – big...


Functional Nutrition and Immunity: 3 Strategies

Functional Nutrition and Immunity: 3 Strategies

February 6, 2021 / Immune health has never been a more important topic than it is right now. Immune support is a multi-tiered approach that should involve exercise, proper...


Improved Sports Performance and Chiropractic Care

Improved Sports Performance and Chiropractic Care

January 16, 2021 / Sports are becoming more and more competitive on the high school, college and professional levels. Even small performance improvements can make a huge difference against...


Rebalancing Your Health in the New Year

Rebalancing Your Health in the New Year

January 11, 2021 / So many of us start the New Year by having high hopes in the form of resolutions: we will eat better, exercise more, sleep more…the...


5 Reasons to Use ChiroFlow’s Water Pillow for Better Sleep

5 Reasons to Use ChiroFlow’s Water Pillow for Better Sleep

January 6, 2021 / Sometimes, we wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, but very often, we don’t. Soreness, stiffness, aching necks and backs are far too common upon...


Ask the Chiropractor: Can My Newborn Get Adjustments?

Ask the Chiropractor: Can My Newborn Get Adjustments?

December 5, 2020 / Why would I take my baby to a chiropractor? Each day in our practice for the last 30 years we have constantly been asked things...


Why Do Chiropractors Use Thermography?

Why Do Chiropractors Use Thermography?

November 28, 2020 / What is Thermography and Why Do Chiropractors Use it? Thermography is a safe and painless procedure used to detect heat in the human body. The...


Gratitude is Good for Your Health

Gratitude is Good for Your Health

November 23, 2020 / Thanksgiving is usually a holiday filled with family and friends—maybe you travel to see relatives, or people some to see you. Maybe you host a...


Ask the Chiropractor: What’s the Difference Between Chiropractic and Physical Therapy?

Ask the Chiropractor: What’s the Difference Between Chiropractic and Physical Therapy?

November 15, 2020 / What’s the difference between the two and which one do I need are questions we get asked often. The easiest way to find out whether...


Ask the Chiropractor: Can Chiropractic Help Scoliosis?

Ask the Chiropractor: Can Chiropractic Help Scoliosis?

November 5, 2020 / Scoliosis is a fairly common condition where the spine has an abnormal curve, which usually presents itself at birth or in the early years of...


Ask the Chiropractor: Do I Have a Pinched Nerve?

Ask the Chiropractor: Do I Have a Pinched Nerve?

October 29, 2020 / When too much pressure is applied to the nerves from the tissues due to inflammation, injury or stress, the nerve that is compressed can impair...


8 Healthy Habits to Incorporate into Your Fall

8 Healthy Habits to Incorporate into Your Fall

October 24, 2020 / Creating healthy habits might seem overwhelming at first, but the wonderful thing about habits is that, after a while, they just become your new normal....


Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats

Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats

October 18, 2020 / When you work hard to eat a healthy diet every day, its important to consider how much fat you’re eating and what kind. If you...


Should I Try Acupuncture When Trying to Conceive?

Should I Try Acupuncture When Trying to Conceive?

October 11, 2020 / In the quest to get pregnant and bring home a healthy baby, many infertility patients are eager to explore every option that might help. Complimentary...


Ask the Chiropractor: How Can I Avoid Catching a Cold or Flu this Winter?

Ask the Chiropractor: How Can I Avoid Catching a Cold or Flu this Winter?

September 28, 2020 / Ah yes, Cold and Flu Season is approaching. With the Coronavirus pandemic overshadowing nearly everything, we still need to remember that there are other bugs...