November 15, 2020 / What’s the difference between the two and which one do I need are questions we get asked often. The easiest way to find out whether...
November 5, 2020 / Scoliosis is a fairly common condition where the spine has an abnormal curve, which usually presents itself at birth or in the early years of...
October 29, 2020 / When too much pressure is applied to the nerves from the tissues due to inflammation, injury or stress, the nerve that is compressed can impair...
October 24, 2020 / Creating healthy habits might seem overwhelming at first, but the wonderful thing about habits is that, after a while, they just become your new normal....
October 18, 2020 / When you work hard to eat a healthy diet every day, its important to consider how much fat you’re eating and what kind. If you...
October 11, 2020 / In the quest to get pregnant and bring home a healthy baby, many infertility patients are eager to explore every option that might help. Complimentary...
September 28, 2020 / Ah yes, Cold and Flu Season is approaching. With the Coronavirus pandemic overshadowing nearly everything, we still need to remember that there are other bugs...
September 21, 2020 / In our 30 years of practice, we have treated subluxations caused by many different issues. But the first question we need to answer before we...
September 13, 2020 / Many people “crack” their own necks; sometimes for relaxation, sometimes just because they can. This is called “self manipulation,” the “self adjustment,” the “self mobilization...
August 30, 2020 / Sleep. How so many of us long to get the perfect amount of sleep, but most people don’t get nearly enough of it. According to...
August 24, 2020 / With so many of us working from home, our bodies can pay the price. While an office can be designed to promote better posture with...
August 16, 2020 / As millions of people across America have transitioned from working in an office to working from home, there has been an increase in our patients...
August 10, 2020 / Many people begin seeing a Chiropractor as a last ditch effort to deal with terrible pain. However, there are many reasons to see a Chiropractor...
July 27, 2020 / Have you ever had a sharp, shooting pain travel down the back of your leg? How about a dull, persistent ache, tingling and numbness? If...
July 22, 2020 / June is Men’s Health Month, and with Father’s Day just behind us, it’s important for men to consider their health. Chiropractic care can do more...
July 20, 2020 / Having a Healthy Summer Means Eating Your Water! We don’t know about you, but we have been feeling very thirsty this summer! Between power walking,...