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Alternative Health | Scarborough, near Portland ME | Holistic healthcare | Family Health & Wellness

Oasis Wellness Partners Team

Expertly treating the community in the Scarborough, ME area

Dr. Carroll Ann Coyle, D.C.

Dr. Carroll Ann Coyle, D.C.


  • Meet Dr. Caroll

    It was in the world of traditional medicine, as an assistant head nurse in a neurosurgical intensive care unit, that Dr. Carroll first noticed the remarkable power of the human body (and spirit) to heal itself. A lecture by a visiting chiropractor ignited her passion to move in this new direction. Four years later, in 1990, she had graduated from New York Chiropractic College and soon moved to Maine to be with her husband, Doug, and open her first practice with Dr. Meg. Three children and 32 years later, she is just as passionate about helping others to connect with the miracle of their own physical, emotional, and spiritual power.

    In Doctor Carroll’s words:

    My friends and family thought I was crazy going back to postgraduate studies for 4+ years after finishing a rigorous baccalaureate degree in nursing, and being a successful intensive care nurse,” remembers Dr. Carroll.

    I even remember the chiropractic school recruiter questioning me about leaving a lucrative career as an assistant head nurse in a neurosurgical intensive care unit to go back for study and student loans!

    The question seemed absurd and only further sparked the desire to follow my passion. I remember how I learned about the chiropractic paradigm, and the principles of the true innate abilities of the body to heal itself, at a lecture given by a chiropractor. This is one of the reasons I am so passionate about educating practice members about how they can take charge of their health. My experience working with nervous system and brain injury patients and realizing that the power to heal came from within, fueled my passion to begin chiropractic school.

    In 1990, I graduated from New York Chiropractic College after receiving several awards, including peer counseling and a distinguished service award. My husband Doug and I have three fantastic children, Jaime, Josh, and Tim. All three are incredibly fit, health-conscious children.

    I hope we can be a source of hope and healing for you. It is my personal goal to serve as many people as I can through the healing of chiropractic.

Dr. Meg Pickering, D.C.

Dr. Meg Pickering, D.C.


  • Meet Dr. Meg

    Dr. Meg began her journey at the age of 16 when she had the opportunity to work in a chiropractor’s office. An avid skier, that early passion for chiropractic has never wavered, except, of course, for a short break when she had the chance to teach skiing at a prestigious resort. (For this, she can be forgiven, for she met her husband, Rich, on those slopes.) A deep interest in wellness care was nurtured at New York Chiropractic College, where she met Dr. Carroll – and the dream of a vibrant family practice took shape. The next thirty years brought two children and an active lifestyle with chiropractic as a core value.

    In Doctor Meg’s words:

    I was 16 years old when I was introduced to chiropractic during home room one morning. As I was attempting to sleep through morning announcements, one job opportunity caught my attention. A local chiropractor was looking for someone to work in his office. That was the beginning of a life-long journey. I had no idea what chiropractic was, but that first job was completely inspiring to me. I had never been to a doctor’s office that people LOVED going to! All his patients were so excited about the health they were regaining through chiropractic. It was so motivating for me that I soon had my entire family coming in to see him!

    My primary focus when I went to college was to tailor all my studies so that I could attend chiropractic college. Of course, being the avid skier that I am, when I received the opportunity to teach skiing at a prestigious resort in Idaho, I took time between undergraduate studies and postgraduate work to pursue my dream of skiing and teaching out West. This turned out to be a wonderful experience in many ways, not the least of which was the fact that I met my future husband on the slopes! I chose a school back East, however, closer to family who supported me as I went through the rigors of chiropractic college.

    At New York Chiropractic College I had so many amazing experiences, and incredible opportunities to study with some of the pre-eminent doctors in our field. It was there, in Long Island New York, that my passion for wellness care took form. It was also there that I met my soon-to-be business partner, Dr. Carroll. We discovered that we shared a dream of a vibrant, happy family practice where we could serve all ages and facilitate healing in a warm, caring environment. We are both dedicated mothers and our unique business set-up allows us each to be at home with our children and follow our passion to create and grow this practice. We feel truly blessed.

    My family and my work are my two biggest passions, but I also love running and have completed the Maine half and full marathons, along with numerous other races. My husband Rich, my children Alex and Grace, and I all are accomplished skiers on snow and water, and we love to swim, play soccer, and spend many hours in our gardens.

    Healthy living is a way of life for me and one that I love to teach others. Health is a conglomerate of all that we do: physically, mentally, and spiritually. When I see the children in our practice become healthier, more capable, and more aware of what health is, and learn how they can participate and make healthy choices, that is incredibly rewarding for me. I love adjusting people and seeing them heal, but I really love when they become empowered to choose to be healthy for their lifetime!


Jolene Marie

Chiropractic Assistant

  • Meet Jolene

    Jo is a native Mainer and comes to us out of retirement to fulfill a lifelong dream of working around the healing arts. Jo works part time as a Chiropractic Assistant , offering assistance wherever needed.


Eyana Perkus

Chiropractic Assistant

  • Meet Eyana

    Born into a family of healers, Eyana is happy to be working at Oasis Wellness Partners as she helps others in their healing journey. In her free time, Eyana is an avid reader, foodie, and animal lover.

Lydia Libby

Lydia Libby

Chiropractic Assistant

  • Meet Lydia

    Lydia joins the Oasis team as a Chiropractic Assistant with years of experience in patient care coordination. A lifelong Scarborough native, she looks forward to serving the Oasis community and educating new patients on the many benefits of chiropractic care.

    Lydia is currently studying to be a yoga therapist and teaches yoga at Scarborough Yoga, within Oasis.

Meet our Partner Practitioners.