Alternative Health | Scarborough, near Portland ME | Holistic healthcare | Family Health & Wellness

Oasis Wellness Partners Blog

Expertly treating the community in the Scarborough, ME area

Ask the Chiropractor: Can Chiropractic Help Alleviate Pain and Side Effects from Cancer Treatment?

Ask the Chiropractor: Can Chiropractic Help Alleviate Pain and Side Effects from Cancer Treatment?

April 30, 2019 / As chiropractic doctors, we are trained to help people improve their immune system and manage pain. This includes practice members who are fighting cancer. “An...


Ask the Chiropractor: How Can I Do My Spring Yard Work Without Getting Injured?

Ask the Chiropractor: How Can I Do My Spring Yard Work Without Getting Injured?

April 18, 2019 / After a long winter, most of us are itching to get out into our yards and dig in the dirt. However, yard work, with all...


Spring Cleaning—Inside and Out!

Spring Cleaning—Inside and Out!

March 26, 2019 / When spring arrives and the weather starts to warm, it’s time for a good spring cleaning — not only for your house but for your...


Ask the Chiropractor: What is a Subluxation and How Does it Affect Me?

Ask the Chiropractor: What is a Subluxation and How Does it Affect Me?

March 19, 2019 / In our practice, we use the term “subluxation” quite a bit. But most people don’t know what we mean. Here is our opportunity to explain...


How Counseling Can Benefit You!

How Counseling Can Benefit You!

March 14, 2019 / A friend or family member has recommended that you go to counseling, but you don’t really know how counseling might benefit you, here are some...


Ask the Chiropractor: Can Regular Adjustments Benefit my Baby?

Ask the Chiropractor: Can Regular Adjustments Benefit my Baby?

February 19, 2019 / We see a lot of babies here at Chiropractic Family Wellness Center, and we recommend that people bring their babies in to see us the...


Ask the Chiropractor: Can Chiropractic Help Me During Cold and Flu Season?

Ask the Chiropractor: Can Chiropractic Help Me During Cold and Flu Season?

February 5, 2019 / Ahhh, winter in Maine. The season of ice skating, sledding, snowshoeing—and the cold and flu! Do you wonder how you could protect yourself and your...


Ask the Chiropractor: How Does Inflammation Affect my Health?

Ask the Chiropractor: How Does Inflammation Affect my Health?

January 7, 2019 / A lot of what we see at Chiropractic Family Wellness Center—back and neck pain, lowered immune function, illness and disease—is a result of chronic inflammation....


Why Chiropractic?

Why Chiropractic?

December 11, 2018 / Chiropractic care’s aim is to help the human body’s own innate intelligence, which seeks balance, or homeostasis, among all the systems of the body. Chiropractic...