by Oasis Wellness Partners on December 19, 2019
Ahh, winter. Short days and long nights, Snow and ice. Winter can be cozy, but sometimes we can start to feel the blues (blame the decrease in Vitamin D!). Often along with the winter blues comes a decrease in health and fitness due to a lack of motivation. But let’s not let it get the better of us! Here are eleven tips that can help you feel better and heal better this winter:
Work out: While it’s easy to lose motivation to keep working out when it’s cold out, it’s dark by 4, and you have to put on snow boots and warm up the car before going to the gym, working out helps to build your immune system and make you more resilient during those times when you are exposed to more pathogens, like cold and flu season. So make sure that you schedule those workouts to boost your immunity, and mood!
Eat well: It’s important to make sure that you stick to clean eating, especially through the holidays. All the additional sweets, snacks, drinks, and other goodies that come with the holidays are sometimes hard to resist, but can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable. Stay focused on your goals and be moderate when you do indulge.
Hydrate! Being sure that you have proper hydration is always important regardless of the time of year. Carry around a water bottle everywhere you go and make sure you keep drinking. Sometimes in the winter we think we need less water, but we don’t! Drink 8-10 glasses a day to stay hydrated and healthy.
Keep your head covered while outside.If you do decide to work out outdoors, whether it’s a run, a show-shoe, skiing or a hike, be sure to wear a hat or a and that covers your ears. This wll ensure you don’t lose heat from your head and get susceptible to colds or flu.
Get some sun!Studies show that getting your vitamin D is essential. Dress appropriately and try to get outside on a nice day or plan that beach vacation during the cold winter months. Getting some doses of Vitamin D can help keep your immune system strong and mood stable. Taking a daily Vitamin D dose can help, too—see a naturopath or other health care professional for a recommended dosage.
Wash your hands often. This will help prevent you from getting the flu or other illnesses going around. Bring lotion with you if you worry about your hands drying out.
Set Goals.Have a goal in place as the winter months start so you can have something to work toward. Maybe it’s a trip in the summer, maybe it is a savings goal. But goals can help us keep our eye on the prize.
Get a trainer or workout partner. Hiring a trainer or working out with a friend keeps us accountable. Knowing that someone is counting on you to show up makes it easier to do it!
Watch what you drink.Alcohol can go down easy and seem like it lifts your mood at the time, but you can pay later with your health and mood and energy levels.
Join something! Volunteer, group exercise, HIT classes, group training, a training program of some sort, co-ed sports, birdwatching, a winter walking group—whatever gets you out of your house and interacting with others can benefit your body and mind during the winter months.
Get adjusted! Regular adjustments keeps your spine aligned and nervous system in tip-top shape, so you can weather everything the winter throws your way.
Whatever emotions that might come up for you during the winter, by staying active you can experience the joy of it, rather than the difficulty. We at Chiropractic Family Wellness Center hope you have a great new year and make a great plan for yourself this winter!