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Oasis Wellness Partners Blog

An Autumn Self-Care Plan: 7 Tips for a Healthy Autumn

by Oasis Wellness Partners on October 1, 2019       Oasis Wellness Partners - Autumn Self-Care Plan

Autumn is a wonderful time in Maine to begin transitioning from the busy, activity filled warmth of summer to the more reflective time of winter. Here are some important tips to care for yourself during this transition so that your winter is a healthy one.

Exercise Outside

As the temperatures begin to cool and the landscape shifts from bold greens to radiant golds, reds, oranges, and yellows, take time to create opportunities to exercise outdoors.

Whether it is going for a hike with friends, cycling around your neighborhood with your family while the sun sets, or joining an outdoor yoga class, the weather is ideal to stay active outside during the fall.

Just be prepared for temperature dips with layers and extra lighting (flashlight, headlamp) as you may need.

Take a Warm Bath

Relax and release the chill of that first autumn cold snap with a warm epsom salt bath. In addition to detoxifying your skin, a warm Epsom salt bath can help relieve seasonal sinus pressure as well as reduce muscle pain. Cooling off from a warm bath right before bed has also been shown to help promote better and longer sleep.

Make your bath hygge (Danish for cozy) by lighting some candles, playing calming music, and using a bath bomb with a scent you find relaxing. This will be a joyful and soothing addition to your evening, and to your self-care plan for the season.

Add Scents to Your Home

While most people think Pumpkin spice latte when they think of Fall scents, there are certain smells we often associate with cooling temperatures that can boost brain health. Peppermint has been shown to enhance cognitive functioning and relieve pain. Cinnamon may aid memory. Vanilla can elevate feelings of joy and relaxation. Pine and fir are great for combating seasonal colds and allergies. Either add these oils to a diffuser or mix them with a carrier oil (almond or jojoba are good choices) and rub them on wrists and temples for a scent fix and brain boost.

Incorporate Fall Superfoods

Take your autumn eating to the next level this season by incorporating fall superfoods that are both seasonal and super healthy. Rich with potassium and electrolytes, acorn and butternut squash can be prepared to make sweet and savory fall dishes.

Cruciferous veggies like cauliflower, kale, and broccoli are full of Vitamin C and are great additions to salads and grains. And, of course, sweet potatoes are loaded with Vitamin A and are especially delicious when they are in season and local—pick some up at your Farmers Market for the most delicious, and healthy, ones.


The need for volunteers around the holidays ramps up in the final months of each year. Sign up to volunteer at a Thanksgiving charity run. Pitch in at a neighborhood or beach clean up. Do something nice for an elderly neighbor like raking their leaves or making them a warm meal. Sign up to serve meals at a local homeless shelter.

Prioritizing giving back and helping others this season can do wonders for your spirit and sense of self. Caring for others is one of the greatest ways to take care of yourself.

Make a Holiday Bucket List and Vision Board it

Autumn can be a great time to make plans. So why not start your holiday bucket list? That’s a list that captures all the things you want to accomplish this holiday season. It might include volunteering at your church, synagogue or mosque, seeing a holiday lights show, or planning that weekend trip you’ve been dreaming about for months. Make a vision board from cut out pictures and words in magazines to actualize your desires into your life!

Address Pain Points

If chronic pain or a sports injury has you avoiding social gatherings, skipping workouts, and dreading the holidays, take the time now to address it and find a solution.

Going to a chiropractor for an evaluation can help a lot in figuring out what is wrong and making a plan to get better. At Chiropractic Family Wellness Center in Scarborough, Maine, we help people heal better, feel better and live better. Call us to make an appointment for an evaluation at (207) 883-5549.

Don’t forget to ask for help. Prioritizing your health, happiness and self-care plan can go a long way to helping you topple your frustrations.

So that’s our version of what a good self-care plan for the fall looks like. Where will you begin? Do you do anything differently or have anything to add? Let us know!!

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